Friday, July 20, 2012

There ain't no way you can hold onto something that wants to go, you understand? You can only love what you got while you got it

Well Yesterday kicked off my marathon weekend of craziness which will ultimately end at 3pm Sunday dropping Braydon off at camp.

     Yesterday we spent all day at Venture River with Braydon, Claudia and 12 of my favorite LCSH kids!!  My two best friends were there and we had a BLAST!!  For the record I was technically "at work" but in my defense I learned a long time ago at LCSH you have to work hard to play hard and we work very hard!!

     Today after work we are jetting off to Atlanta.  Not jetting per say, driving is more like it!!  We have a hotel perfectly centered in between Atlanta and Camp Twin-a-lakes!! YAY!!!  We have plans to go to the Atlanta Aquarium, the World of Coke and then Lego Land.  Unfortunately Claudia has decided not to go with us.  She said she would prefer to stay and do her weapons class in karate and I admire my kids for sticking to their obligations. 

     Then on Sunday we do it.....we drop Braydon off for a full 5 nights at Camp Carpe Diem.  If you could see the excitement in his little brown eyes!! We packed the final three items last night and it was like he had hit the jackpot!!  He was so super excited!!

      I have decided to blog everyday that he is going!!  Kinda to help me though it!!  Thanks again everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I know you are nervous. Just remember all the excitement and good times we had the first time we went to camp. He will come back refreshed and more confident in himself just knowing he has friends out there just like him!
