Sunday, September 8, 2019

The best way to predict the future is to create it

Good Morning all!!  Hope everyone is having an amazing Sunday.  I felt compelled to get on and drop a few lines.  Lets do a recap!!

Braydon is a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR!!  My word where did the time go?  We went from having this tiny sweet boy to this grown man and I swear all I did was blink.  His seizures are very well controlled and things seem to be going very well.  He works a lot and is doing his best to make this year count at school.  He has his 1st neurology appointment as an adult next month and I am honestly contemplating if I should go or not.  I am really thinking I will sit this one out and let him do his thing solo.  It gives me a lot of anxiety, but he is an adult. 

He is hoping to go to a 2 year school and get his degree in Criminal Justice and become a Montgomery County Sheriffs Deputy.  He is still very active in the Explorers group and does very well with his training. 

Claudia is doing very well.  She is a normal teenage girl driving her mom crazy and the apple of dads eye lol!!  Grades are going very well and I am hoping this year will be the turn around for school.  She finished several rounds of EMDR therapy with her amazing therapist and I think she is on the path to healing.  Life will never be the same, but I think we are all healing.

The aftermath from the day she tried to take her own life is still very present in our lives.  I literally base so many of my decisions on my own life around that day.  I think about that day and how I could have changed the moments, day and even weeks up to it so that she never felt so much pain.  On average I replay it in my head 3 times a day sometimes more if we are having a bad day.  My healing has been helping others. 

To all my people who look at my life in the constant state of chaos that it is, know that all people live in a constant state of chaos.  Only a few select special ones like myself choose to share it publicly.  Every person I know and talk to has anxiety, stress, and home life problems.  Choose your future.  My life will never be cookie cutter perfect and neither will yours.  My future will continue to be the same hot mess my current life is (I seriously locked myself out of my house on Friday and had to have the BFF come and pick me up). 

So my words of wisdom on this Sunday Morning-

Always be the mom you wanted, even though it will still not be the perfect mom to your child.
Choose to be happy, sometimes it is the hardest thing, but try.
Take your heartache and turn it into something amazing. 

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